Tsukasa Taiko is currently one of the largest and most active community taiko groups in the Chicagoland area. Despite being one of the younger organizations, Tsukasa has over 50 professional and community performances throughout the year and is the only group led by professional artists. Currently Tsukasa Taiko is led by Kioto Aoki and directed by Tatsu Aoki. Over the last two decades, Tsukasa become a strong pioneering force, leaving behind a legacy that changed and continues to change the standards of the community taiko group.
Tsukasa Taiko was founded in 1996 by Hide Yoshihashi with the help of Wakayagi Shiyu. Shiyu, a master of Japanese classical dance had founded her own taiko group Waka Daiko under her Wakayagi Ryu dance school. Yoshihashi later created Tsukasa Taiko 司太鼓, taking kanji from Shiyu’s name司友 and started to teach small weekly classes at the Wakayagi residence. He led community performances with his students, most notably at the Bon Odori Festival at Mitsuwa Marketplace when it was formerly known as Yaohan-. This summer festival became Tsukasa Taiko’s first annual event.
The birth of Tsukasa Taiko broke new ground in the Chicago taiko community, incubating the idea of independence. Before Tsukasa, community taiko was associated with Buddhist Temples as membership was offered exclusively to those within each respective temple. Tsukasa Taiko became the first private taiko group independent of these exclusive organizations. The inclusiveness attracted many students to Tsukasa Taiko including some of the current core members. And consequently, Yoshihashi became the first independent taiko drummer. Encouraged by his success, Yoshihashi’s colleagues began creating their own groups. Many of these groups are still active today. Yoshihashi was a catalyst for this trend and an important contributor to Chicago taiko culture.
Working with AIRMW
Yoshihashi started to collaborate with Asian Improv aRts Midwest in 2001 for more strategic operation for a group geared towards arts and culture. The shift was a significant beginning for evolving of Tsukasa Taiko’s legacy. Tatsu Aoki, founder and director of AIRMW became artistic director of Tsukasa Taiko, as both felt it was important that a working artist and musician with direct lineage to the classical Japanese arts would guide the group towards a new goal. Aoki was born into a traditional okiya household in Japan. He grew up playing taiko and shamisen (three-stringed Japanese lute) since age 4 as part of his cultural training and was part of a theatrical performing crew during his adolescence. Influenced by this unique background Aoki began nurturing the group with the distinct objective of maintaining the traditional aesthetic of the Japanese theatrical Arts. His creative direction and leadership was vital for the development of Tsukasa’s current professional and specific stage presence. Aoki’s guidance was also essential because Tsukasa’s affiliation with AIRMW meant it would now function as part of a non-profit arts organization. This status allowed more national and international connection with arts communities.
Under this new structure, Yoshihashi was introduced into the scene as one of the first taiko players to be associated with professional music scenes . Yoshihashi performed at major venues, events and artistic projects representing Tsukasa Taiko, joined by Aoki’s two eldest children who were 4 & 7 at the time. Stages and events included the old HotHouse, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago Jazz Festival, Chicago Blues Festival and Asian American Jazz Festival. These years reveal Tsukasa Taiko’s early involvement in professional settings. Tsukasa was also the frontman to bring children and youth to the large stage. The first generation of Tsukasa Taiko’s regular performers consisted of students from around age 4 to 16, who were all performing with Yoshihashi at these venues and events.
Residency at JASC
In 2004 Tsukasa moved and established its artist residency at the Japanese Service Committee of Chicago where they currently reside. Shortly after in 2006, Yoshihashi retired. Amy Homma took over Yoshihashi’s leadership and became the head instructor and performer for Tsukasa Taiko. Homma had been playing with Yoshihashi throughout Tsukasa’s earlier years. Aoki took this opportunity to create a full-time position for Homma. She became the first full-time, professional taiko player in Chicago. This was an important benchmark in Chicago’s Japanese American cultural scene as there was no full time performer in the traditional arts outside perhaps the martial arts. Homma’s position effectively distinguished Tsukasa Taiko as an organization fully committed to establishing the taiko player as a qualified, musical artist.
Homma was the only multicultural, bilingual representative of the community arts. She studied under Aoki to cultivate her artistic career, and performed in many local, national, and international professional scenes. She was the first community leader to officially perform in Japan, Poland and travelled multiple times to San Francisco. After Homma’s retirement in 2011 Tsukasa Taiko enlisted the help of Noriko Sugiyama who was a member of Ayutsubo Taiko in Shizuoka, Japan. Sugiyama represents a milestone for AIRMW and the Chicago taiko art scene. She is the first drummer to be working officially in Chicago with a VISA. Her original involvement was extensively to manage and expand the children’s classes at the main JASC dojo as well as Mitsuwa Marketplace, which was an off-site program as Tsukasa’s second location for almost a decade.
The Gintenkai Unit
In 2006 Aoki formed the Gintenkai Performance Unit. This unit is responsible for high caliber shows that are of a more professional nature than the community recitals and performances which showcase multiple levels of adult and children. Gintenkai is led by Kioto Aoki, who has been a longtime member of Tsukasa Taiko since her youth and was performing on professional stages since the age of 7, even prior to her engagement with Tsukasa. Kioto is currently the only professional taiko artist in Chicago and heads the Gintenkai Unit, advanced students, beginner workshops and professional productions.
The current Gintenkai unit consists of community members alongside Kioto, most who have been with Tsukasa for almost two decades, with some starting under Yoshihashi. Sugiyama has been an active member of Gintenkai since her arrival in 2011. They have played at many of the stages around Chicago, including te Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Logan Center for the Arts, Harris Theater, Steppenwolf Theater, Chicago Symphony Center, The International House at the University of Chicago, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Smart Museum, and many more.
The Gintenkai Unit’s role is to actualize the artistic goal in preserving, developing and passing on traditional concepts of Japanese art. Westernization and commercialization has created mass misinterpretation. Taiko music is often misrepresented as a form which values fast rhythmic patterns similar to those played on drum sets and drum lines. However, the aesthetic roots are found in theatrical concepts of kabuki and nichibu (Japanese classical dance). The concept of ma (the space between) is emphasized. Choreography is also important in presenting the movement of the body. These movements stem from classical Japanese dance, reinforcing the connection between music, dance and theatre.
The Gintenkai Unit mostly on compositions that Aoki grew up playing during the 1970s in Tokyo. The reincarnated pieces are are complex, refined arrangements that embody all the elements to preserve an authentic, Japanese aesthetic. Instead of a rhythm, melody and orchestration is valued and created. This important aesthetic value is specific only to Tsukasa Taiko, and is what predominantly distinguishes Tsukasa from other groups. Tsukasa also reincorporated geza music to the stage using shamisen and shinobue as regular components.
Contribution and Legacy
Tsukasa Taiko has been a pioneer for visual presentation as well, introducing was the kai no kuchi musubi, a classic way to tie the happi obi to Chicago groups during Yoshihashi’s early experiences on the stage. Presently, Tsukasa’s performances require multiple costumes and costume changes. There are several variations of koikuchi (worn with and without harakake), happi, and hachimaki worn throughout a single show. Gintenkai members also wear traditional kimono and yukata. Additionally, Tsukasa is the only group which has implemented the hikinuki technique collaborating closely with Japanese classical dance school Shubukai, which has since been incorprated under the AIRMW organization (formerly known as the Fujima Ryu of Chicago). Tsukasa Taiko has many other milestone accomplishments. Tsukasa is currently the only community taiko group in Chicago with CD releases, recognizing the changing generations of Tsukasa’s history.
The first CD was released in 2006 which highlighted Yoshihashi and a second was in produced in 2011 featuring Amy Homma and the Gintenkai Performance Unit. An exclusive of Gintenkai Performance Unit album was released in 2013 with a vinyl option available. 2025 will see the recording of a new Gintenkai album.
From 2010 - 2020, Tsukasa Taiko participated in the annual McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with about 3 million viewers, marking the first taiko group to have performed in such large scale programming. Tsukasa Taiko has actively participated in public events supporting the recovery from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster around Chicago. 2015 included an event at the Richard J. Daley Center coupled with a photo exhibit chronicling the rebuilding process, and in 2016 were featured in Skylanding, the official album project for Yoko Ono's "Skylanding" sculpture as part of Tatsu Aoki's The Miyumi Project. Tsukasa Taiko has continued to perform for events by invitation of the Japanese Consulate, other cultural organizations and professional events around Chicago. Tsukasa continues to present over 50 professional, community and educational performances throughout the year.
Tsukasa Taiko is distinguished as being the sole Japanese speaking taiko group in the Chicagoland area. Tsukasa emphasizes the preservation of language as part of the cultural legacy. Though not all members are of Japanese descent classes are taught in English and Japanese, stressing cultural etiquette in the Chicago setting. As part of the educational outreach Tsukasa also offers lectures, workshops and classes for public schools and universities studying the Japanese language in the Chicagoland and Midwest area.
2001年、吉橋はグループの活動を更に芸術的、文化的に高めていくことを目指して、Asian Improv aRts Midwest (AIRMW) との提携を始めました。AIRMWの創立ディレクターであるタツ青木(青木達幸)は、日本の伝統芸能に深く関わっており、彼が司太鼓のアートディレクターに就任したことで、グループを新しい目標に向かって牽引することが可能になりました。青木は東京の料亭に生まれ、4歳から太鼓と三味線を始めました。さらに10代のころには、芸能劇団の一員として活動した経験を持っています。この青木のユニークな経歴を背景に、司太鼓は日本の伝統芸能に根ざした美的感覚の継承という独自の方向性を見出していくことになりました。現在の司太鼓のパフォーマンス内容や活動は、この青木のクリエイティビティと指導力によって生み出されているものです。
2004年以来、司太鼓は拠点をJapanese American Service Committee(JASC)に移して活動を続けています。2006年には吉橋が引退して日本へ帰国、その後を司太鼓初期から吉橋とともに活動していたエイミ本間(本間永実)が受け継ぎました。青木は本間を専任太鼓奏者として迎え、ここにシカゴではじめてプロの太鼓家が誕生しました。これまで、日本の伝統文化を専門として身を立てているのは、おそらく武道関係者以外にはいなかった中、司太鼓は太鼓奏者をプロの音楽家として確立させるという自身の立ち位置を明確に打ち出し、他のグループと一線を画したのです。本間は日米2ヶ国語のバイリンガルで、日米両国の文化に通じていましたが、これも他のグループにはいない存在でした。本間は青木の指導の下、プロの太鼓家としてサンフランシスコ、ポーランド、日本など国内外で活躍をしました。
「銀天界」は2006年に作られたパフォーミングユニットです。このユニットはティーンから成人までの上級レベルメンバーによって構成され、その多くは吉橋の指導していたころから司太鼓に在籍している経験者です。銀天界は、多様なレベルの生徒たちが出演するリサイタルやコミュニティーパフォーマンスを超えた、セミプロレベルの公演を行っています。本間引退後のすべてのパフォーマンスは、銀天界メンバーが中心となって牽引しており、2011年からは杉山もメンバーに加入しています。また銀天界オンリーのパフォーマンスとしてもこれまでにシカゴ大学インターナショナルハウス、ローガンアートセンター、ジェイプリツカーパビリオン、ハリスシアター、ステッペンウルフシアター、オーケストラホール、オーディとリアムシアター、シカゴ現代美術館等々、数々の場所で公演してきました。2010年以降、司太鼓は毎年11月にシカゴ市ダウンタウンで行われる「マクドナルド サンクスギビングデーパレード」にも出演し、毎回テレビ放映を通じて3万人の視聴者に親しまれていますが、これほど大きな舞台に出演してきたコミュニティー太鼓グループは、司太鼓以前にはありませんでした。
司太鼓は、国内外の音楽家、アーティスト達との共演も数多く行ってきました。吉橋、本間、青木希音の3名は、ポーランドでのマルタ国際シアターフェスティバルおよびメイドインシカゴフェスティバルに参加しています。またベーシストでもあるタツ青木は、自身の率いるミユミプロジェクトバンドの公演にたびたび司太鼓を登用しており、その結果、司太鼓はムワタ・ボーデン、エド・ウィルカーソン、ココ・エリーセス、ダグラス・ユワート、ニコール・ミッチェルといった有名なAACM のメンバー達との共演を経験してきました。さらにメロディー高田が主催するサンフランシスコの「源流アーツ・源太鼓」とは、姉妹グループとしての交流をもち、上級メンバーに対しては「ナショナル銀天界プロジェクト」として青木自ら演目の指導に当たるほか、メンバー同士が互いのパフォーマンスにも参加し合っています。